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Becoming Transformation: Activist Theology for Our Times - Circle and Book Discussion - PeoplesHub

Becoming Transformation: Activist Theology for Our Times – Circle and Book Discussion

Cost: Free or by donation. Donations support us to offer more of these kinds of offerings. Our offerings are typically sliding scale from $20-$50/session. Please enter either a “0” or your donation amount in the box below.

486 in stock


Joe Tolbert Jr.


Dr. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza


Program Length and Type:

90 minutes  — Connect as an individual (we encourage you to find others in your community who will also sign up so you can work through the material together)


Circle Offered:

Tuesday, July 21st from 4-5:30pm PT/ 6-7:30pm CT/ 7-8:30pm ET

Book Club Discussion Sessions Offered:

Tuesdays, August - November from 4-5:30pm PT/ 6-7:30pm CT/ 7-8:30pm ET