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Stories about the Rise of the Far Right - PeoplesHub

PeoplesHub Workshop – Connect online as an individual

Stories about the Rise of the Far Right

PeoplesHub and the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung New York Office are partnering to bring a series of online offering workshops and a circle geared at developing collective understanding of the global rise of the far right and what strategies can be used to battle it at a local level.  

These online offerings will be based on readings from Far Right in Government: Six Cases Across Europe.

In this online PeoplesHub Circle three guests representing Europe, Brazil and the U.S. will be discussing the rise of the far right in their local contexts and its relationship with other processes throughout history. They will share stories of how people are combating the far right and organizing for progressive wins while developing solidarity in local communities and on a global level.

Participants are strongly encouraged to sign up for all the offerings, though this is not a requirement.


Organizers from Europe, the U.S. and Brazil–Andreas Günther, Kazembe Balagun, Elandria Williams, and Douglas Belchoir


Kazembe Balagun, project manager of United Nations / North America for the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung New York Office.

Elandria Williams, former member of Highlander Research and Education Center, PeoplesHub Director of Training, and PeoplesHub Trainer

Sarah van Gelder, a founder of PeoplesHub, and co-founder and columnist at YES! Magazine, where was executive editor for 20 years.

Training Length and Type:

90 minutes — Connect as an individual

Circle Offered: this circle is offered twice in one day so that participants across the country and the world can find a time that works for them.

Tuesday, March 19 9am PT/ 11am CT/ 12pm ET

This training is ideal for:

People involved in social justice movements who are interested in the intersection between racism, xenophobia, gender violence, challenges to democracy, and the growth of the far right.

Training Outcomes

You’ll come away with an understanding of:

  • The historical context for the rise of the far right
  • People’s resistance movements
  • The connection between local, national and international solidarity movements
  • The role of the media in shaping popular narratives

What do you do to prepare?

Please choose a location with a strong internet connection, where you are able to speak and listen comfortably. You’ll need a laptop or desktop computer, and headphones.

You are encouraged to read the following materials prior to participating in the workshop.

Far Right in Government, Six Cases from Across Europe. “Introduction: The Rise of the Radical Right.” By Stefanie Ehmsen and Albert Scharenberg. p. 1-7.

Far Right in Government, Six Cases from Across Europe. “Nationalism and Neo-Fascism Under Jarosław Kaczyński,” by Bartosz M. Rydliński. p.19-29.

The Far Right in Brazil: How Bolsonaro Came to Pass,” by Esther Solano Gallego.


This PeoplesHub Circle is FREE. Register now to save your spot.

Ready to sign up?

Hosts & Guests:

Kazembe Balagun

Born in Harlem, NY, Kazembe received his B.A. in Philosophy from Hunter College. From 2007 to 2013, he was the Education/Outreach Coordinator at the Brecht Forum. Kazembe recently contributed an essay called “We Be Reading Marx Where We From: Socialism and the Black Freedom Struggle” to the book Imagine: Living in a Socialist USA (2014). He is a project manager of United Nations / North America for the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung New York Office.

Elandria Williams

Director of Training at PeoplesHub, Elandria also provides development support to cooperatives, mostly in the Southern United States, and is a co-editor of Beautiful Solutions, a project that is gathering some of the most promising and contagious stories, solutions, strategies and big questions for building a more just, democratic, and resilient world. For the last eleven years Elandria worked at the Highlander Research and Education Center, first as the youth / intergenerational programs director and then helping co-coordinate Economics and Governance programs such as the Mapping Our Futures Curriculum and the Southern Grassroots Economies Project.

Sarah van Gelder

Sarah van Gelder is a founder of PeoplesHub, and co-founder and columnist at YES! Magazine, where was executive editor for 20 years. She is also a public speaker, and author of the book, The Revolution Where You Live: Stories from a 12,000 Mile Journey Through a New America (Berrett Koehler, 2017). The Revolution Where You Lives tells the story of Sarah’s solo road trip around the United States, from Newark, NJ to the Northern Cheyenne Tribe’s land in Montana, from rural Kentucky to Dallas, Texas, interviewing people who are making change happen — change that is deep enough to transform the crises of our time into opportunities for new ways of life that are more sustainable and just. This road trip was the inspiration for PeoplesHub. She also edited Sustainable Happiness: Live Simply, Live Well, Make a Difference, and This Changes Everything: Occupy Wall Street and the 99 Percent Movement (both with Berrett Koehler). She works in her own community with the Suquamish Tribe, and paddles with them on their annual canoe journey.

Andreas Günther 

Andreas Günther is a former head of the international department for DIE LINKE (The Left Party of Germany) and currently serves as executive director of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office.

Douglas Belchior

Douglas Belchior is leader with UNEAfro, União de Núcleos de Educação Popular para Negras/os e Classe Trabalhadora (Union of Popular Education Centers for Blacks and Working Class).